GreenMob – a multimodal journeyplanner

City Government

Basic project details

  • Implementation period: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2024.
  • Participating countries: Italy, Spain, France, Hungary
  • Lead partner: CARNET (Spain)
  • Project partners: CARNET (Cooperative Automotive Research Network) and Ajuntament de Viladecans (Spain, Instant System (France), WeCity, Start Romagna and Comune di Cesena, (Italy) DKV Debrecen Exclusive Public Transport Company (Hungary).
  • Funded by EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.


The aim of the project is to promote sustainable and eco-friendly mobility and to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and raise awareness of sustainability. The certified CO2 emission calculator, integrated into the multimodal journey planner (MaaS platform), developed by WeCity is being tested in three European cities: Viladecans (Spain), Debrecen (Hungary) and Cesena (Italy). It calculates and displays the CO2emission, related to urban transport. This function has been integrated into the mobile phone application, in collaboration with DKV’s Debrecen Smart City division.


The GreenMob project's technical solution was tested in Viladecans (Spain), Debrecen (Hungary) and Cesena (Italy) to assess its feasibility and effectiveness. The final partner meeting of the project took place in Debrecen in November 2024.

Partners’ main contributions:

  • CARNET: Overall project management and coordination, pilot definition and testing.
  • Instant System: app development, technical adjustments and integration, intellectual property rights (IPR), exploitation, and scalability.
  • WeCity: Technological partner, creator of the CO2 emissions calculator.
  • Start Romagna: Implementation of a MaaS application, integration with WeCity's gamification platform.
  • Comune di Cesena and Ajuntament de Viladecans: Pilot definition and testing.
  • DKV Debrecen Smart City: integration of CO2 calculator to existing application, and testing.

Debrecen’s pilot project

Our project partner, AppCorner Ltd., is the developer of the popular journey planning smartphone application. Since January 2023, DKV Zrt. has been providing real-time vehicle positions to the app. DKV has also supported the app’s release on the iOS platform.

During the summer of 2024, thanks to the GreenMob project, the CO2 calculator was introduced in the app. In the first 3 months, 30,000+ active users planned more than 250,000 trips, representing 750,000+ trip alternatives in the app.

In addition to providing the CO2 calculator as a tool for passengers to raise awareness and make informed decisions, the project will also help the PTO company to develop network development proposals through insights into route planning.