Smart energetics management

City Government

Purpose / Description

The aim of the project is to create a smart energetics management system that can facilitate energy efficiency in all of the buildings owned by the local government. The first priority of this system is to reduce the energy consumption of the city’s institutions and to facilitate the planning of future energetics modernizations.

Process / Execution

The Energy management subsystem measures and monitors in real-time the energy consumption of the real estates possessed and managed by DMJV, enabling identification of energy reduction opportunities and planning of interventions to lower energy usage. In addition to the 30% energy savings achieved by passive elements installed during renovations (like insulation, new doors, and windows), real-time monitoring and active management (to address anomalies remotely) could provide an additional 20-30% savings.


Data-providing smart devices, a server architecture to store and analyze data, and client-side solutions to simplify data interpretation and analysis for energy experts and monitoring staff are essential for this project.

Partners involved

The urban development team of the EDC Smart City, experts from the local government of DMJV, the city council, the local building industry, and freelance external consultants.


Currently, the entire structure is in the planning phase, taking into account the unique needs of different buildings.


Establishing an energy management system will support the goal of achieving an 80% CO2 reduction by 2050 as specified by the EU. The next milestone within SECAP is a 40% CO2 reduction by 2030. With SECAP approval, the city could qualify for additional EU funding.